What is Anxiety?

What is Anxiety?


Understanding Anxiety: A Hypnotherapist’s Perspective

Anxiety is a natural response to stress, characterised by feelings of worry, nervousness, or fear. While it’s normal to experience anxiety in certain situations, chronic anxiety can significantly impact daily life. Symptoms often include rapid heartbeat, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, and a sense of impending doom.

As a hypnotherapist, I work with clients to address the root causes of their anxiety. Hypnotherapy accesses the subconscious mind, where many anxieties originate. By guiding clients into a relaxed, focused state, we can explore and reframe negative thought patterns, reducing the intensity of anxious feelings.

Through techniques like deep relaxation, visualisation, and positive suggestion, hypnotherapy helps individuals develop healthier coping mechanisms and regain control over their emotions. This approach not only alleviates anxiety but also promotes overall well-being. If anxiety is affecting your life, hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool for finding calm and clarity.

How Do You Create Happiness?

How Do You Create Happiness?

 Insights from Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy

Happiness is a pursuit that transcends cultures, ages, and backgrounds. As a solution-focused hypnotherapist, I’ve had the privilege of working with individuals seeking to enhance their well-being and find joy in their daily lives. Through my practice, I’ve observed several key traits that consistently appear in those who report higher levels of happiness. Let’s explore these traits and how they can be cultivated.

  1. Optimism and Positive Thinking

Optimistic Outlook: Happy people tend to look at the brighter side of life. They focus on positive outcomes and believe in their ability to overcome challenges. This doesn’t mean they ignore problems; instead, they approach them with a mindset geared toward solutions and growth.

Cultivation Tip: Practice gratitude journaling. Each day, write down three positive things.  They can be positive actions, positive interactions or positive thoughts.  This simple exercise can shift your focus from what’s wrong to what’s going well in your life.

  1. Resilience and Adaptability

Bounce Back Ability: Life is full of ups and downs, and happy people are resilient. They adapt to changes and view setbacks as opportunities for learning rather than insurmountable obstacles.

Cultivation Tip: Develop a growth mindset by embracing challenges as opportunities to learn. Reflect on past difficulties and identify the strengths and skills you gained from overcoming them.

  1. Strong Social Connections

Meaningful Relationships: Happy individuals value their relationships and invest time in nurturing them. They maintain close ties with family, friends, and community, finding support and joy in these connections.

Cultivation Tip: Prioritise spending time with loved ones. Schedule regular catch-ups, express appreciation, and offer support. Building deeper connections can enhance your sense of belonging and happiness.

  1. Purpose and Goals

Sense of Purpose: Having clear goals and a sense of purpose provides direction and meaning in life. Happy people often engage in activities that align with their values and passions, giving them a sense of fulfilment.

Cultivation Tip: Reflect on your values and set goals that resonate with them. Break these goals into manageable steps and celebrate your progress along the way.

  1. Mindfulness and Presence

Living in the Moment: Happy people practice mindfulness, allowing them to fully experience and appreciate the present moment. This awareness helps them manage stress and enhances their overall well-being.

Cultivation Tip: Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine. This could be through meditation, mindful breathing, or simply paying attention to your senses during everyday activities.

  1. Self-Compassion and Acceptance

Kindness to Self: Happy individuals are kind to themselves. They practice self-compassion, recognising their own worth and treating themselves with the same care they offer to others.

Cultivation Tip: Practice self-compassion by speaking to yourself with kindness, especially during times of failure or difficulty. Acknowledge your efforts and remind yourself that it’s okay to make mistakes.

  1. Healthy Lifestyle

Physical Well-Being: There is a strong link between physical health and happiness. Happy people often engage in regular physical activity, eat nutritious foods, and get adequate sleep.

Cultivation Tip: Adopt a healthy lifestyle by incorporating regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and sufficient rest into your routine. Small, consistent changes can have a significant impact on your overall well-being.

  1. Altruism and Generosity

Giving Back: Acts of kindness and generosity can boost happiness. Happy people often engage in helping others, whether through volunteering, supporting friends, or simple acts of kindness.

Cultivation Tip: Look for opportunities to help others. Volunteer in your community, offer support to a friend in need, or perform random acts of kindness. Giving can create a sense of connection and satisfaction.


Happiness is not a destination, but a journey comprised of daily choices and habits. By cultivating these traits, you can enhance your well-being and lead a more fulfilling life. As a solution-focused hypnotherapist, I encourage you to take small steps toward these traits, building a happier, more resilient, and connected version of yourself.

Remember, change doesn’t happen overnight, but with consistent effort and a positive mindset, you can create a life filled with joy and satisfaction. Embrace the journey, and let happiness unfold naturally.

Thriving Through the Night

No photo description available.Thriving Through the Night: Wellbeing Tips for Night Shift Worker

Working the night shift comes with its unique set of challenges, but with the right strategies, you can prioritise your wellbeing and thrive even in the wee hours. Whether you’re a seasoned night owl or new to the nocturnal lifestyle, these wellbeing tips for night shift workers will help you navigate the challenges and promote a healthier, more balanced life.

  1. Prioritise Quality Sleep: One of the biggest challenges for night shift workers is maintaining a healthy sleep routine. Create a sleep-conducive environment by investing in blackout curtains, using earplugs or white noise machines, and establishing a consistent sleep schedule. Consider wearing an eye mask to block out daylight when you need to catch some daytime Zs.


  1. Fuel Your Body with Nutrient-Rich Foods: A well-balanced diet is crucial for sustaining energy levels during the night. Opt for nutrient-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid relying on sugary snacks and caffeine to stay awake, as they can lead to energy crashes later on.


  1. Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can exacerbate fatigue, so make sure to drink plenty of water throughout your shift. Keep a reusable water bottle handy, and try to limit your intake of caffeinated and sugary beverages, as they can contribute to dehydration.


  1. Take Breaks and Move Around: Combat the sedentary nature of night shifts by taking short breaks to stretch and move around. Incorporate light exercises or stretches to keep your blood flowing, reduce muscle stiffness, and boost your alertness.


  1. Invest in Quality Sleepwear: Enhance your sleep quality by investing in comfortable sleepwear and bedding. Choose fabrics that regulate body temperature and create a sleep routine that signals to your body that it’s time to wind down, even during daylight hours.


  1. Manage Stress through Relaxation Techniques: Working odd hours can be stressful, so it’s crucial to have effective stress management techniques. Explore relaxation methods like deep breathing, meditation, or guided imagery during your breaks or before heading to bed. These practices can help calm the mind and promote a more restful sleep.


  1. Maintain Social Connections: Night shift workers often face challenges in maintaining social connections due to their unconventional schedules. Prioritise spending quality time with friends and family during your off days and consider joining social groups or online communities of fellow night shift workers to share experiences and support one another.


  1. Create a Consistent Routine: Establish a routine that aligns with your night shift schedule. Consistency is key to helping your body adjust to the demands of working at night. This includes consistent mealtimes, exercise routines, and wind-down activities before bedtime.

Embracing a night shift lifestyle doesn’t mean compromising your wellbeing. By implementing these tips, you can create a foundation for a healthier and more balanced life, allowing you to excel in your work while prioritising your physical and mental health. Remember, small changes can make a significant impact, and with time, you’ll find a routine that works best for you.


Top Tips for Managing Stress

Top Tips for Managing Stress

  1. Set Realistic Goals: Avoid setting yourself up for failure by trying to do too much. Learn to say no, set realistic goals, and prioritise tasks.
  2. Time Management: Plan your day ahead and allocate time for different activities, including breaks.
  3. Mindfulness: Practice being present in the moment, which can help reduce anxiety and improve mood.
  4. Seek Professional Help: If stress becomes overwhelming, consider seeking help from a therapist.
  5. Limit Screen Time: Reduce the amount of time spent on electronic devices, especially before bedtime.
  6. Nature Therapy: Spend time outdoors in natural settings to help reduce stress levels.
  7. Laughter: Find humour in your day-to-day life; laughter can be a great stress reliever.
  8. Music and Art: Listen to soothing music or engage in art activities like painting or drawing.

Remember, it’s important to find what works best for you, as stress management is highly individual. Try different strategies and maintain those that bring you the most relief.


Do stress and anxiety seem like constant companions in your life? It’s time to break free and discover the serenity within you. As a clinical hypnotherapist, I’m here to guide you on a transformative journey to a calmer, more centred self.

Embrace Tranquillity with These Proven Strategies:

  • Deep Hypnotic Relaxation: Dive into a state of profound peace as we tailor a hypnotherapy session to your unique needs, unlocking the doors to a stress-free mind.
  • Mindful Breathing Techniques: Learn to control your breath and, in turn, control the waves of anxiety with simple, yet powerful, breathing exercises.
  • Positive Visualisation: Harness the power of your imagination to create a sanctuary in your mind, a place where stress dissolves and calm reigns supreme.
  • Self-Hypnosis Mastery: Gain the tools to induce relaxation on demand, empowering you to become the architect of your own tranquillity.
  • Anxiety Alchemy: Transform anxiety into energy, motivation, and focus through personalised hypnotic suggestions that reshape your response to stressors.

Why Choose Us?

  • Expert Guidance: With years of experience and a compassionate approach, we pave the way for a stress-less life.
  • Tailored Solutions: Every mind is unique, and so are our hypnotherapy sessions, crafted to meet your individual needs.
  • Lasting Change: We don’t just manage symptoms; we aim for profound, enduring transformation in your relationship with stress and anxiety.

Special Offer: Book your first session today and receive a free MP3 audio to help you maintain a calm mindset every day.

Take the first step towards a life of clarity and calm. Contact us now and let’s embark on this journey together.

Contact Claire on 07940 034 263 or email Claire@bridgetherapy.uk

What are the benefits of online hypnotherapy ?

Unlock Your Potential from the Comfort of Your Space with Online Hypnotherapy!

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards a more empowered and balanced life? Experience the profound benefits of online hypnotherapy, bringing the healing power of the mind directly to you! Discover the unique advantages that make online sessions a convenient and effective choice for your personal growth and well-being.

Convenience at Your Fingertips:  Say goodbye to commuting hassles! With online hypnotherapy, you can enjoy transformative sessions from the comfort of your own space. Whether you’re at home, in the office, or traveling, your sessions are just a click away. Embrace the flexibility that fits seamlessly into your busy lifestyle.

Safe and Secure Environment: Create a sanctuary for your mind without leaving your safe space. Online hypnotherapy sessions are conducted through secure and confidential platforms, ensuring your privacy and comfort. This safe environment allows for a deeper connection with your subconscious, fostering a sense of trust and openness.

Accessible Worldwide: Break down geographical barriers and connect with a skilled hypnotherapist, no matter where you are in the world. Online sessions enable you to choose from a diverse pool of experienced professionals, ensuring you find the perfect match for your unique needs and goals.

Personalised and Tailored Approach: Experience the same level of personalised care and attention as in-person sessions. Online hypnotherapy allows for one-on-one engagement, ensuring that your sessions are tailored to address your specific challenges, goals, and aspirations.

Integrate Hypnotherapy Seamlessly into Your Routine: Online sessions empower you to incorporate the benefits of hypnotherapy into your routine effortlessly. With flexible scheduling options, you can choose sessions that align with your availability, making it easier to prioritise your mental well-being amidst life’s demands.

Transformative Results, Anytime, Anywhere: Witness the transformative power of hypnotherapy from the convenience of your chosen space. Whether you’re seeking stress relief, overcoming anxiety, or enhancing personal development, online hypnotherapy offers a versatile and effective solution to foster positive change in your life.

Ready to take the next step towards a more empowered and balanced you? Embrace the benefits of online hypnotherapy and embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and personal growth. Book your session today and unlock the door to a brighter, more fulfilling future!

Contact Claire at Claire@bridgetherapy.uk or call on (+44) 07940 034 263.

Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome

Do you ever feel like you’re just faking it and are scared something will happen and everyone will find out?  Do you doubt your accomplishments and feel like you’re just pretending to know what you’re doing?  This can be a sign you’re experiencing imposter syndrome.  A phenomenon that affects many people.


Imposter syndrome refers to an individual’s persistent belief that they are not competent or capable, despite evidence to the contrary. People experiencing imposter syndrome often feel like they are frauds and that their achievements are the result of luck or some external factor, rather than their own abilities. This phenomenon is characterised by a lack of internalisation of accomplishments and a persistent fear of being exposed as a fraud.

Common symptoms of imposter syndrome include:


  1. Self-doubt: Individuals with imposter syndrome often doubt their own abilities and feel inadequate, even when they have evidence of success.
  2. Attributing success to external factors: They may attribute their achievements to luck, timing, or other people’s help, rather than acknowledging their own skills and hard work.
  3. Fear of being exposed: There is a constant fear of being discovered as a fraud, even if there is no concrete evidence to support such beliefs.
  4. Overachievement: Some individuals may respond to imposter feelings by overworking and overachieving to prove their worth.
  5. Discounting success: They may downplay or dismiss their accomplishments, considering them trivial or not significant.

It’s important to note that imposter syndrome is not a clinical diagnosis but rather a psychological phenomenon that many people experience at various points in their lives, especially in professional settings. It can impact anyone, regardless of their level of success or competence.

Overcoming imposter syndrome often involves recognising and challenging these negative thought patterns, seeking support from others, and developing a more realistic and positive self-perception.


How can Hypnotherapy help?

Hypnotherapy can be used as a tool to help combat imposter syndrome.  This involves using guided relaxation techniques and focused attention, replacing your negative self-perception with empowering beliefs.  During the hypnosis you envisage yourself succeeding and breaking the cycle of self-doubt. Hypnosis enables you to access your subconscious mind, reframing your thoughts, creating lasting change. Hypnotherapists can also teach you strategies to manage your negative self-talk.

If you would like to know more about how hypnotherapy can help with imposter syndrome, call Bridge Therapy today on 07940034263.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes



Do you have difficulty with Sleep?

Did you know that as many as one in five UK adults Have difficulty with sleep?

It is well documented that poor sleep over a prolonged period can have a negative impact on our physical and mental health, as it doesn’t give our bodies enough time to rest and restore.

Whilst there are many environmental factors which can impact on sleep such as the bedroom being too warm or an uncomfortable mattress, stress or anxiety can also have a negative impact on our sleep.  Life events such as bereavement or moving house, worries about work/family, or a build up of things can cause stress or anxiety.  This can lead to us not sleeping well and then, we are not able to process our emotions from the day.

What can we do to manage our stress levels and get back into a good sleeping habit?

Hypnotherapy can be a helpful for addressing sleep issues by using guided relaxation techniques and focused attention to promote better sleep patterns and alleviate poor sleep. It’s also always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment, especially if you have underlying medical conditions.

Relaxation and Stress Reduction: One of the primary ways hypnotherapy promotes sleep is by inducing deep relaxation. The therapist uses calming imagery, suggestions, and deep-breathing exercises to help you relax both mentally and physically. By reducing stress and anxiety, hypnotherapy can create an optimal environment for falling asleep.

Changing Negative Thought Patterns: Insomnia can sometimes be perpetuated by negative thought patterns and worries about sleep. Hypnotherapy can work to change these thought patterns by introducing positive suggestions and reframing beliefs about sleep. This can help break the cycle of anxiety and sleeplessness.

Creating Positive Associations with Sleep: Hypnotherapy sessions often involve creating positive mental associations with sleep and the bedroom. This can help counteract negative associations that may have developed over time due to difficulties sleeping. Positive associations can make the sleep environment feel more inviting and relaxing.

Improved Sleep Habits: Hypnotherapists can guide you through the process of establishing healthier sleep habits and routines. These habits might include setting a consistent sleep schedule, creating a calming bedtime routine, and avoiding stimulants before bed.

If you would like more information regarding how hypnotherapy can help with sleep, please contact Claire on 07940034263 or Claire@bridgetherapy.uk